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Biohazard Spill Kit EZ Plus Safetec Poly Bag


About this product

Item #: SAFE17121


EZ-Cleans Plus® Spill Kit – Comprehensive Personal Protection for Spill Cleanup

The EZ-Cleans Plus® Spill Kit is designed to provide personal protection during the cleanup of blood or body fluid spills. By encapsulating and containing potentially infectious spills, this kit helps reduce employee exposure to infectious waste and minimizes the risk of cross-contamination among co-workers, customers, or family members. This economical alternative is ideal for workers not requiring complete face and body protection.

Key Features of EZ-Cleans Plus® Spill Kit

  • Pair of Vinyl Gloves: Ensures safe handling of contaminated materials.
  • Red Z® Solidifier (10g. Pouch): Encapsulates and solidifies spills instantly.
  • SaniZide Pro® Germicidal Wipe: (Dimensions: 8” x 8”) Provides effective surface disinfection.
  • Scoop/Scraper: Facilitates easy and hygienic removal of waste.
  • Paper Towel: Assists in quick absorption and cleanup.
  • Red Bio-hazard Waste Bag: (Dimensions: 24” x 24”) Safely contains and disposes of contaminated materials.
  • Twist Tie: Secures the bio-hazard waste bag.
  • p.a.w.s.® Antimicrobial Hand Wipe: (Dimensions: 5” x 8”) Ensures thorough hand sanitation post-cleanup.
  • Instructions: Provides easy-to-follow guidelines for safe and efficient spill management.

Manufactured by Safetec, the EZ-Cleans Plus® brand is trusted for delivering reliable and economical solutions for spill kits. Ensure your safety and hygiene with this comprehensive spill management kit.