Suture PGA 4-0 18" Undyed
Product Description
About this product
Item #:
- Our highest performing suture needles for the most demanding surgical procedures.
- Needle maintains shape and sharpness 3X longer than regular needles.
- Ultra sharp Precision Point needles provide clean penetration with minimal drag for delicate procedures.
- MULTICUTTM needle technology to ensure excellent tissue penetration and control, cut after cut.
- Needles crafted from UNIALLOYTM – a reinforced AISI 300 series stainless steel that provides the highest ductility and bending strength.
- High tensile strength
- Initial strength comparable to that of Nylon and Chromic Gut
- Synthetic suture absorbing at a moderate rate
- Lower tissue reaction than gut sutures with no risk of toxicity
- Predictable absorption profile
- Thread type: Braided
- Color: Violet/ Undyed
- Strength duration: 21-28 days
- Absorb duration: 55-70 days
Item Specifications
13mm, Reverse Cutting
18 in (45cm)